Contradictionary – Handedness

Peter's Thoughts
I once read part of a book called Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain, and it made the case (but not in so many words) that the different sides of our brain have different personalities. The right side, being neurologically connected to the left hand, was more emotional, while the left hemisphere of the brain (the right hand) was more articulate. Drawing from idiom and tradition the author went so far as to say that the negative connotations of the phrase “left-handed" come from the left side of the brain calling the other side names.
For those of you fond of cult classic references, you may envision, as Alex did, that Nixy's two hands are like Sirrus and Achenar – one more cultured & the other more rough, but both ready to kill.
“Hiya, Timby!"
“Dear Timby, Watch out for my left hand. He's a villain. —right-handed Nixy“
“How's it going?"
“Dear timBy what hAs My right hand beEn telling U?! —left Nixy"
“Have some ice cream!" “AAAAAAAAAAAA"